So the pro-Trident Kezia is to stand tor the leadership of Scottish Labour. Is that the branch office of the leaderless Labour Party that has just taken such a resounding hammering in Scotland that it cannot do better than the Tories in returning MPs to Westminster? Or is she planning a new Scottish Labour Party that reflects the views of Labour supporters in Scotland?
There is room for a Scottish Labour Party that will work with the unions and others who are committed to building a Scotland that has at its heart to a fair society with education, healthcare, and safe and affordable housing as the bedrock of security. Security has little to do with illegal and immoral nuclear weapons (let us see what emerges from the debate next week on Mr M’s insider story) nor through illegal and immoral attempts to repeal the Human Rights Act – which is enshrined under Scots Law within our devolved powers.
There are
two problems for Ms Dugdale. One, she has consistently supported all of the convoluted disingenuous and contradictory policies expressed by her unmentionable predecessor and thus ruled herself out of any serious and honest debate on future policy.Two, a real Scottish Labour Party would not be based on nationalism, but it would inevitably support independence.